Dust3r Initialization for Camera Model and Point Cloud (Beta)

Dust3r Initialization for Camera Model and Point Cloud (Beta)#

Usage Instructions:#

  1. Switch to the Beta branch.

  2. Download Dust3r to examples/dust3r_init and follow the installation instructions.

  3. Move convert_dust3r.py to the examples/dust3r_init/dust3r folder.

  4. Navigate to examples/dust3r_init/dust3r, and then use Dust3r to extract point cloud priors and camera priors:

python convert_dust3r.py --model_path your_dust3r_weights --filelist your_image_path
  1. Run the program.


Dust3r can only extract point cloud and camera priors for dozens of images at a time.

Experimental Results:#

Results using twelve images in the Garden scene: Image1

When camera optimization is disabled, rendering accuracy is reduced, as shown below: Image2